Cameron Highlanders
of Ottawa
Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps (RCACC)
Corps Commanding Officer:
Maj C. Sloan, CD
The Canadian Cadet Organizations develop skills that will help youth transition into adulthood, from good citizenship, leadership, and a focus on physical fitness, Cadets have experiences you can't get anywhere else.
Army Cadets participate in an adventure-based program to develop life and leadership skills, while exploring the various roles, careers, and opportunities within the Canadian Army and similar civilian occupations. Through activities like trekking, orienteering and abseiling cadets develop self-confidence and earn the opportunity to lead and train others.
The Army Cadet program is operated as a partnership between the Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed forces and the Army Cadet League. This vital partnership ensures a professional and community focused program is delivered evenly across the country to provide consistent opportunities for youth.
The Cameron Highlanders' Cadet Corp is located at 150 Abbeyhill Drive, Kanata (South), Ontario at the A.Y. Jackson Secondary School.
The Cadet Corps conducts training on Tuesday evenings during the school year from 1800-2130h (6:00 pm until 9:30 pm).
The Cadet Corps is actively seeking new members and can be reached at any of the following Cadet Social Media points or via the contact form:
Cadet Corps Website (
Facebook (
Twitter (@CameronsCadets)
E-mail (