Cameron Highlanders
of Ottawa
CIMIC Company

Officer Commanding: Maj Carlo
Company 2i/c: Lt Bigras
CSM: (tbd)
The CH of O houses a unique capability in 33 CIMIC Coy (formerly the 33 Influence Activities company), which is composed of highly analytical and dedicated members with relevant civilian careers that bring an in-demand skillset to 33 Brigade.
The core function of Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) is to work with civilian populations to support a commander’s mission. Doctrinally, CIMIC works to liaise with civil actors, coordinate actions between civilian and military to support the force, and coordinate to support civil authorities and agencies relevant to the mission.
Whether in a domestic or expeditionary deployment, CIMIC is an essential function to enable a commander. CIMIC teams help provide the commander with essential situational awareness of the area of operation and can undertake projects to help engage civilian agencies to ultimately promote mission success.
Members of 33 CIMIC Coy, while trained in CIMIC, also have additional training that offers specific value to the brigade. Most members are qualified as NATO Gender Focal Points, meaning they can conduct gender and sex-based analysis of some of the critical components that can impact a mission. Members are also qualified in standardized Ontario and FEMA emergency management protocols, enabling most members to add additional value to a domestic emergency or natural disaster that the CAF is supporting.
The total strength of the CIMIC Coy is undisclosed (Officers, WO’s and Sr NCO’s, Junior Ranks).
The Company Parades at the Cartier Square Drill Hall.