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Pipes and Drums

Pipes and Drums - 11 Nov 2022


Pipe Major: Sgt Pinkerton-Kock

Drum Major: Sgt P. Limeburner

P&D Officer: vacant


Unlike the combat trades, life in the Pipes & Drums (P&D) doesn’t start with our arrival at BMQ. Before members are accepted into the CAF, they must demonstrate competence through an audition process. For many, this means starting quite young, and arriving at the unit as a skilled applicant. Many recruit P&D members have found themselves on parade shortly after joining the unit, as the basic skillset is already in place.


BMQ teaches basic military competence but not trade related skills; that preparation is required to have already been done before enrolment. Further training occurs during trade’s level training, which focus on technical aspects of music, instrument maintenance, musical leadership, and the drill and ceremonial aspects associated with being a piper and drummer specific to the ceremonies being supported.


The Pipes and Drums are the public face of the Regiment as seen when on parade or while performing at events. What you see during those moments is the result of long hours spent practicing and memorizing music and preparing for each unique event, much of which occurs, and is maintained at home and on members own time. The Pipes and Drums use training nights to learn new music and refine abilities, both separately as a group. Time is also spent rehearsing drill needed for any upcoming performances.


Over the years, the Pipes and Drums have had the distinction of representing the Regiment as well as the Canadian Forces in many national and international events. The Edinburgh Tattoo, Virginia International Tattoo, Bermuda Military Tattoo, Jamaica Military Tattoo, Canada Day, Fortissimo, and The National Remembrance Day ceremonies are just a few of the high profile events where the Pipes and Drums have been tasked.


Over the past year, the pipes and drums have seen steady growth, and are currently in a state of rebuild. Many members have not only been enrolled over the past 2 yrs, but the Pipes and Drums have seen many members qualified BMQ, Trades training at various levels, as well as some members receiving Primary Leadership Qualifications and promotions throughout the ranks. The Pipes and Drums are led by a Pipe Major, and Drum Major who are the command team for the Pipes and Drums, and are staff appointments within the Regiment.


The total strength of a the P&D currently 15 pers all ranks (0 Officers, 2 WO’s and Sr NCO’s, 13 Junior Ranks). 


The P&D parades at the Cartier Square Drill Hall.

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